#Transformation Tuesday: Kaithlyn’s away from the Gamer to the Fitness Nerd

“I was the girl who wore in the middle of the summer, Jeans and sweater, and I live in Arizona, where there are in the summer of 48 degrees!”

Kaitlyn felt for many years to anything other than comfortable in your body. All of your feelings, you displaced with food and video games.

She disappeared more and more in a virtual world: “I ignored all my problems and my console is lived.” In this time, Kaitlyn had hardly any friends and felt lonely.

Also your health of the young woman meant little, instead, they lived from Fast Food and other unhealthy foods.

Eventually, the big click Moment came: “I stopped feeling sorry for myself, listened to zujammern and fought for me.”

Today, Kaitlyn feels, as a self-proclaimed health and fitness nerd love in your body, and finally self.

Time for a change

The most serious and at the same time best change in life – so Kaitlyn describes the way in your healthy life. For them, it was always difficult to accept change and to be able to deal with it.

The goal is to lose weight put you in front of new challenges, but in the end it was clear: “life is too short for all the changes to resist. You take it or fight back, so you can accept it as well.”

She had to let go of your past and your habits in order to gain something New and Good. “Changes are good and necessary,” she explains your subscribers on Instagram. “The less it interested me what other people think about me, the more time I have to work on me.”

For Kaitlyn, a long, disciplined and hard way, put them in a healthier future, and your self-love gave, you needed began.

Fitness as an integral part

Kaitlyn felt in your body uncomfortable: With a starting weight of 102 kilos should change your life. She discovered the workout for yourself and put your focus on the muscle growth. The beginning was hard: she felt dejected, and the changes remained.

However, after a few months, the first results came. “I never thought that I hike, run, and play could jump!”

Kaitlyn began to believe in themselves. “Through Sport I found out how strong I really am. I don’t know where I would be now without sports in my life!”

The Sport gives her courage and self-love she needs: “I think I needed to set new fitness goals so that I continue to be motivated and motivated to stay. I am a very goal-oriented Person.”

For Kaitlyn, your path is not finished for a long time, but a constant Grow in their own skills.

Small steps are important

“Each baby step to better health is important.” For Kaitlyn the way to a slim body and a healthy life-style was far. But today, you know that it is the small victories that really count.

You should not feel trapped inside his own body, and from the Impossible get to you can. She describes her change of Life as hard, but in a rewarding way: “All good things take time.”

Learn to love you

“There are days which don’t feel me overweight, though I am.” Also, Kaitlyn has bad days when they doubt themselves, but they learned to deal with it.

On such days, help her Before – and-After – pictures “You can see how far you came and what you have done!” She has learned to love herself for what she is and what she has achieved.

Self-love means meeting for Kaitlyn new things in life and to do what you love – even your video console continues to play an important role in your life.

“I’m certainly not the woman I was two years ago. And in two years I’ll certainly be a different woman. I’ve been thinking a lot about change and how inevitable they are. Time passes, regardless of how you spend them! Make today better decisions, you future self can be proud of!”

Michelle Steinmetz

*The post “#transformation Tuesday: Kaithlyn’s away from the Gamer to the Fitness Nerd” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.