So addictive Germany

Germany has a drinking problem. No drug is so widely used and socially established. According to the most recent calculations for 2017 potion every adult in this country is around 131 liters of alcoholic beverages, reported questions, the German centre for addiction. This corresponded to about a bathtub full of alcoholic beverages. A particularly popular beer (around 101 liters per year), wine (of 20.9 liters per year) and spirits (5.4 liters). However, tobacco, illegal drugs, prescription drugs and gambling research, keep Looking.

An Overview of the current Yearbook for Addiction:

Alcohol: In comparison to 2016, the people in Germany in 2017, two percent less alcohol drinking. However, addiction researchers give no clear. Drinking “alcohol is considered to be totally normal,” said Christina Rummel, Deputy managing Director of the German centre for addiction issues. In a European comparison, the Federal Republic remain to a high-consumption country.

The 7.8 million German citizens between 18 and 64 years, according to Rummel-risk drinkers. Men fall into this category, if you drink an average of 0.5 liters of beer per day. For women half.

Around 21.700 children and young people between 10 and 20 years, came in 2017 with alcohol poisoning to the hospital. In the year of the alleged perpetrators were 231.300 crimes under the influence of alcohol – almost 11 percent of all suspects. Addiction researchers call for less advertising of alcohol, higher prices and make a sale only to people of 18 years of age.

Tobacco: Still smokes about a third of the German citizens. The consumption of cigarettes decline from 2017 to 2018, only to almost two percent, it says in the Yearbook. The sale of cigars and cigarillos increased by 6.5 percent, while pipe tobacco and fine-cut, there were almost three percent. It is a classic pipe tobacco as well as tobacco for hookah pipes.

The researchers suggest that a “Hipster”effect to the increase in the sale of cigars and cigarillos have. The amount of sold cigars on the cigarettes. Almost 13.5 percent of all deaths have to do, according to addiction researchers with the consequences of Smoking.

Drugs: 1.2 to 1.5 million people in the Yearbook, according to the dependent on tranquilizers and sleeping pills, including especially the Elderly and women. Many drugs can make you dependent. A further 300,000 to 400,000 people are considered to be dependent on other medicines.

Illegal drugs: The most commonly used prohibited drug remains for young people and adults of Cannabis. In 2017, approximately 7731 kilograms of marijuana to ensure that the goods according to the Yearbook, almost 30 percent more than in the previous year. But also harder drugs like Heroin continue to play a role. In the past year, 1276 people were killed nationwide on the use of illegal drugs.

This year, state gambling the focus of addiction researchers. Striking are the increasing sales on the legal gambling market , despite restrictive laws. 2017 was achieved according to the Yearbook, a turnover of 46.3 billion euros. The were around 10 million euros, more than five years previously.

The biggest money-bringer-in-of goods of 2017, this slot machines with a share of about 58 per cent of the total market. About 180,000 people in Germany are considered to be addicted to gambling, more and 326,000 behaviour according to the Yearbook there is a Problem with your game.

Casino, scratch card and poker games on the Internet be banned in Germany, said Ilona death behind schnieder, Chairman of the trade Association gambling addiction. And played going to be advertised anyway. Addiction researchers and consultants prohibitions, and more luck advertising challenge game supervision. Because significantly more people than in the past sought the help of consultants.

In the Video: the game with the Addiction