High calorie deficit: that one mistake can ruin any diet

Much, much helps? Not necessarily!

You want to lose just a few Kilos, it is worth while to reduce the calorie intake. You should not, however, make sure to eat during a diet is too little.

The calorie lie in losing weight

Anyone who wants to lose weight, we calculated first of all its very personal, also rest of energy needs to be called to find out how much calories are consumed the body daily at least.

In the second step, one draws from this basic sales a little, and has thus determined the number of Calories that you should consume daily to lose weight.

Now you might think, the more it falls short of its basic revenue under – that is to say, the less calories you take daily, the more it decreases.

However, this is not right! And, nevertheless, have been developed on this thought, diets with low calorie intake, which you can take daily only between 500 and 800 calories.

Basal metabolic rate and metabolism are dependent on each other

Opposite the Portal, ‘Popsugar’ Dr. Avigdor Arad, Director of the program “Medical weight management”, New York University, expressed a clear message: those Who take too little calories, slows down its metabolism and thus the body’s ability to burn fat.

“Take only 500 to 800 calories per day, the company sends the body the Signal of a nutritional deficiency,” explains the expert.

“The balances of the body, by preserved energy. Due to the worse (calorie)supply, the metabolism slows down.”

In clear text this means The body burns less calories, to you for later. To Save calories exactly the opposite effect you desire.

Not only is the metabolism suffers when you Remove

According to Dr. Arad, the slowed metabolism is not the only Problem caused by a too low calorie intake while on a low calorie diet.

Also critical is the fact that you can provide a healthy body with a couple of hundred calories per day, barely with enough nutrients is. Exactly he needs in order to function and, ultimately, to slimmer.

“In the long term these diets are not sustainable and have a negative impact on the human body and the mood. It’s not easy to value,” concluded Arad.

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*The contribution of “high calorie deficit: This error may be published to any diet will ruin” of FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.